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Author page: Hospitaller6

Operational Art and Strategic Planning: A Different Perspective through KHI’s Doctrine

The conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan challenged traditional military strategies, with their extended durations and elusive objectives causing international debates about their effectiveness. Given these circumstances, it is essential to examine alternative methods and tools, such as those presented by Knights Hospitaller International (KHI), that could potentially have avoided such quagmires. By leveraging technology, a unique hierarchical system, cultural sensitivities,…

Transformation Under Fire: Illuminating the Path for KHI’s Strategic, Technological, and Operational Developments

I first read Col. Macgregor’s book while on CQ duty as a very young soldier, I found it enlightening and later infuriating as I watched the US Army completely fail on every measure except self-congratulatory pats on the back by a vapid and obtuse Officer Corps. The premise of “Transformation Under Fire: Revolutionizing How America Fights” by Lt. Col Douglas…

The Spectrum of Life and the Calling of the Knights Hospitaller International

Knights Hospitaller International represents a beacon of resilience and readiness, a unique establishment that intertwines tactical preparedness with the depth of Orthodox Christian values, offering a wide array of services that cater to both physical and moral fortitude. While our roots and moral compass are guided by the richness of the Orthodox tradition, we openly extend our facilities and services…