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The Orthodox Christian Justification for Resistance to Evil by Force

There’s a complex balance within the sphere of Orthodox Christianity regarding how adherents are called to respond to evil. While the teachings of Christ center upon love, forgiveness, and non-retaliation, there exists a long-standing tradition of justifying resistance to evil by force in specific situations. This essay seeks to unravel this theological justification within Orthodox Christianity, highlighting the importance of…

The Richness of Western Rite Orthodoxy and the Spiritual Structure of Daily Devotion

The journey toward spiritual fulfillment is a multifaceted one, bearing the weight of tradition and the search for a deep, personal connection with God. In the sphere of Orthodox Christianity, the Western Rite offers a unique pathway to experiencing this spiritual journey, fostering a rich, structured daily devotion through prayer practices such as the Rosary and the Divine Office. This…

Localism, Orthodox Christianity, and Community-Centric Living

In a world increasingly marked by profound cultural, political, and religious divides, the principles of nationalism that once united diverse groups of people under a single national identity are now failing to maintain social cohesion. This divide is fueled by a lack of common values and norms, disparate religious beliefs, and limited influence on centralized political structures. As a result,…

The Case for Specie Currency: Economic Well-being of Orthodox Christians and Decentralization of Power

In our contemporary world, the economic reality is dominated by fiat currency systems. Cryptocurrencies, too, have made their way into mainstream discussions. While these may seem like inevitable consequences of our evolving world, it is crucial to discuss the negative impacts they can potentially have on economic stability and the well-being of individuals, particularly within the Orthodox Christian community. Instead,…

An Orthodox Christian’s Perspective on Leadership: A Comparative Analysis of ‘The Education of a Christian Prince’ and ‘The Prince’

Introduction The nature of political leadership and the ethical questions surrounding it have been the subjects of debate since antiquity. Two key contributions to these discussions come from the Renaissance period: Niccolò Machiavelli’s “The Prince” and Desiderius Erasmus’s “The Education of a Christian Prince”. Both texts offer contrasting views on the responsibilities and ethics of leadership, with the former embracing…

Knights Hospitaller International’s Orthodox Christian Perspective on Localism, Distributism, Subsidiarity, and Their Impact on Communities

In recent years, increasing attention has been drawn to the problems associated with economic systems that concentrate wealth and resources in the hands of a few. These systems, whether capitalist, socialist, or a hybrid of the two, often result in social inequality, environmental degradation, and various forms of oppression. For individuals and communities seeking an alternative, a set of principles…

Distributism: An Alternative Path and Implications for Knights Hospitaller International

Introduction Distributism, a socio-economic theory birthed in the early 20th century in response to the excesses of capitalism and communism, advocates for the widespread distribution of property and the means of production. This essay will explore distributism’s genesis, its moral underpinnings, criticisms of capitalism and communism, the importance of moral responsibility in economic affairs, and its relevance to Knights Hospitaller…

The Value of the Western Rite in Orthodox Christianity: History, Fullness, and Fidelity to Eastern Orthodoxy

In the rich and diverse landscape of Orthodox Christianity, the Western Rite stands as a unique and valuable testament to the faith’s universality. Uniting eastern theology and Christology with western liturgical traditions, the Western Rite provides a fullness to Orthodox Christianity that bridges the ancient and the modern, the East and the West. A Historical Lineage The Western Rite in…

The Perils of Usury, Over-Financialization, and Over-Centralization: An Orthodox Christian Perspective and Knights Hospitaller International’s Response

In the intricate tapestry of global economics, the elements of usury, over-financialization, and over-centralization of banking often surface as detrimental practices. Through the lens of Orthodox Christianity, these issues are seen as damaging to human dignity and community resilience. Knights Hospitaller International (KHI) understands these challenges and aims to play a role in mitigating their impacts. Usury: An Orthodox Christian…

The State’s Failing Responsibilities and the Aspirations of Knights Hospitaller International

Nations are founded on the promise of fulfilling several fundamental responsibilities for their citizens – ensuring law and order, delivering healthcare, securing food availability, combating human trafficking, and defining and defending borders. However, both developing and developed states across the world are increasingly unable to meet these obligations. Misguided foreign adventurism and ill-conceived policies have further exacerbated these issues. In…